Archive for November, 2011

Invisibility App For iPad 2!

Written by Mostafa Dafer on . Posted in Entertainment & News, Featured

"Give your iPad 2 the stunning illusion of invisibility. Its screen can behave like transparent glass. As you move your iPad, you and your friends will swear you're seeing through it to a table top or floor underneath, or even into a fanciful virtual world." 99 cents — "because invisibilty — unlike information* — doesn't want to be free." [Book Of Joe] [via Richard Kashdan] *Information wants to be free." — Stewart Brand Read more [...]

Athletica Gyms Electronic Athletes!

Written by Mostafa Dafer on . Posted in Design & Creativity, Featured

From Colossal: "Art director Murilo Melo created this killer poster series for Companhia Athletica Gyms in Brazil by dismantling sloth-inducing televisions, video games, and computers and using their thousands of parts to create exercising humans, urging you to 'switch your routine for ours.'" "The project took four months to execute and is well documented on this pretty awesome website where you can see production shots, download high-res images (recommended Read more [...]

iPad Actually Belongs To The Kitchen!

Written by Mostafa Dafer on . Posted in Featured, Gadgets

I've posted previously the kitchen Macbook, seems like Apple is looking forward to make the world's chefs happy! "How very timely, following on the Professional Chef iPad app post that just appeared. Long story short: look at the photo above. nuf sed." From the website, for those who find enuf is never enough: ........................... Ultra-clear plastic seals tightly to protect both front and back of iPad. Touchscreen sensitivity unaffected by sleeve. Fits iPad Read more [...]

Stuttgart City Library

Written by Mostafa Dafer on . Posted in Entertainment & News, Featured

"The city of Stuttgart, Germany has officially opened a marvelous new media center, the Stuttgart City Library.  This cavernous white wonder is unobtrusive in design, where the books and visitors provide the color to an otherwise neutral environment.  The visual center of the Stuttgart City Library is its grand atrium, a five-story open chamber that feels like the work of a modernist MC Esher.  The interior is bright without direct lighting, it is warm without paint color and intimate yet Read more [...]

World’s Fastest Micromouse Robot!

Written by Mahmoud Basho on . Posted in Featured, Robots & Robotics

One year ago, we got super excited when a micromouse managed to negotiate a maze in under five seconds. At the 2011 All Japan Micromouse Robot Competition in Tsukuba, the micromouse pictured above shaved an entire second off of that time, completing the maze in a scant 3.921 seconds. That's fast. This robot, called Min7.1, was designed by Ng Beng Kiat. It has a top speed of just over 12 kph, which is wicked quick for something that's 10 cm long and weighs only 90 grams. Of Read more [...]

Gadget Locator, The Smart Finder!

Written by Mostafa Dafer on . Posted in Featured, Gadgets

"People lose stuff and the time then spent umpteen hours searching for their misplaced treasures. To prevent this from happening in the future, might you consider investing in the Smart Finder? It consists of a small remote control-like device and little color-coded receivers. Basically, you lose your junk, hit the button on the remote and it guides you to your wares, provided it's within 25 meters (82 feet) of your current location. Yawn. We picked up on a similar product earlier in the year Read more [...]

Macbook Actually Belongs to The Kitchen!

Written by Mostafa Dafer on . Posted in Entertainment & News, Featured

Gadgets and cooking, sounds like the dream team and to be honest it really is, because these gadgets use some sophisticated technology to produce equipment that makes food that we already know of, it’s just that these gadgets make the food faster, cheaper and much more conveniently. With this Top Five, we are looking at some of the coolest gadgets designed for the kitchen, cook or both. Finally, it’s the AppleBoard This is a chopping board that requires no introduction at all, it’s Read more [...]

‘Do a Barrel Roll,’ Google Trick!

Written by Mahmoud Basho on . Posted in Featured

Google after you search for "Do a barrel roll." Screen shot by ABC News. Got a moment to kill? Try this: Go to Google’s homepage. Type in the words “Do a barrel roll.” Click Enter. Did the Earth move for you? The image in your browser should — well, it should have done a barrel roll. As often happens, the Internet was filled with speculation when people began to notice it on Thursday. Many Twitter posts asked if it was a takeoff on Apple’s iPads, with their built-in accelerometers Read more [...]

Honda’s Asimo Humanoid Robot in Action!

Written by Mostafa Dafer on . Posted in Featured, Robots & Robotics

The latest version of the Asimo robot can run, find it's way through a crowd and even pour a drink. Honda's demonstration of the revamped "Asimo" at its Tokyo suburban research facility was not only to prove that the bubble-headed childlike machine was more limber and a bit smarter. It was a way to try to answer some critics that Asimo, first shown in 2000, had been of little practical use so far, proving to be nothing more than a glorified toy and cute showcase for the Honda Motor Co. brand. Honda Read more [...]

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