Man In The Middle Attacks on Gmail-هناك من كان يتجسس على جيميل

لقراءة الموضوع بالعربية، اضغط هنا   Posted by Heather Adkins, Information Security Manager (Source) Today we received reports of attempted SSL man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks against Google users, whereby someone tried to get between them and encrypted Google services. The people affected were primarily located in Iran. The attacker used a fraudulent SSL certificate issued by DigiNotar, a root certificate authority that should not issue certificates for Read more [...]

A technological Smile!

Please view the video here. A smile always says a lot about people and these LED smiles certainly have that effect, they are strangely weird and funny at the same time, if that is possible! These LED smiles are the result of the work by Japanese designers Motoi Ishibashi and Daito Manabe, who have been working with LED technology and clearly feel that these LED smiles would an interesting idea to produce for the Japanese market. You can see these LED smiles in action in this video on YouTube, you Read more [...]

Shipwreck Art Gallery by Andreas Franke

Photographer and diver Andreas Franke has completed a gallery collection that may just be the first of its kind– a photography gallery underwater on a sunken ship.  Franke’s “The Vandenberg: Life Below the Surface” recently opened on the walls of the sunken ship of the same name.  The Vandenberg was sunk off the coast of Key West, Florida to become an artificial leaf for oceanic flora and fauna.  Franke visited the site of the underwater Vandenberg and captured some stills, then recreated Read more [...]

Andrew Brooks Landscape Photography

The golden hour is a precious time of day for photographers.  The hour when the sun rises and the hour when the sun sets collectively cast some of the most magical colors and moods available throughout the day.  This magic hour is a phenomenon well-understood by photographer Andrew Brooks.  His landscape photography captures the still silence of nature at these most magical moments, the times upon which our sun breaks the horizon and ultimately returns to its resting place.   Read more [...]

Brilliantly Designed Mirrors!

Polaroid mirror 5. Splash mirror And here's a collection: Water mirror The Razorblade mirror Thumb-up mirror Ladder mirror Wiper mirror Multi-Faceted Mirror Tetris mirror Armchair mirror Hanger mirror Tennis racket mirror Shower mirror Ironing board Meter mirror Plant mirror Eclipse mirror Read more [...]

Our life… In the clock!

This is our life…. Sources:1,2

Grass Page Markers

I like these. From the website: ........................... GreenMarker is a set of lovingly realistic grass-blade-shaped page markers. Double-sided printed paper sticky notes (Post-it by 3M). ........................... 75 markers: $10. Source Read more [...]

ستيف جوبز: قصة رجلُ ألهم العالم واستقال وهو في قمة نجاحه

نقلاً عن عالم الابداع: الكاتب: إبراهيم محمد بتاريخ 25 أغسطس 2011عدد التعليقات 8 يعتبره البعض مُخترعاً ويعتبره آخرون أحد أنجح رجال الأعمال في العالم، بينما يعرفه أغلبنا على أنه الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة Apple: إنه ستيف جوبز الذي يموج الإنترنت الآن بخبر استقالته من شركة آبل بعد أن Read more [...]

Russian firm reveals plans for space hotel

لقراءة الموضوع باللغة العربية اضغط هنا Tiring of the annual two-week break in a Med hot spot? Fed up with overcrowded resorts with no room to move? Then how about a real get-away-from-it-all holiday with plenty of space – in space? Russia yesterday announced plans for a hotel in orbit 217 miles up which would house seven guests in four cabins and have huge windows for views of the Earth turning below.   Futuristic: Orbital Technologies has revealed plans Read more [...]