DIY Phone line-powered flashlight!

What do you do when the house power goes out? Look for flashlights! But if you're as sloppy as I am, you're going to see that they are out of batteries since the last time the power went out.Since, in 90% of the times, the phone line is still working even when the whole city has no light. This instructable will show how to make a flashlight that uses the phone line power. (Yes, the phone LINE delivers a small amount of current to your house) To see how to make a similar one click Read more [...]

How Different is 4G from 3G?

Nowadays, most of the mobile devices use the 3G technology, which, as the name suggests, is the third generation of the ever developing mobile technology. When it was developed, its main purpose was to combine voice, data and video feeds into a single signal to be used by mobile terminals. It was also capable of higher transfer speeds than the old generation, thus making web browsing a lot easier and quicker. 4G vs 3G The first major change is that the new 4G technology will be fully IP-based, Read more [...]

The top 10 hackers of all time

By Alan Wlasuk Takeaway: Black hat, white hat, or somewhere in between, hackers have had a huge impact on the evolution of information technology. See if you agree that these 10 hackers belong on this list. Hacking is not a recent invention. In fact, it has been around since the 1930s, although not always associated with computers. Here’s a rundown of some of the most noteworthy hackers in history.   1: Kevin Mitnick Kevin Mitnick, once considered the most-wanted cybercriminal Read more [...]

The evolution… 1.0, 2.0….Web 3.0!!

Web 1.0 = Websites, e-mail newsletters and “Donate Now” buttons Web 1.0 is one person or organization pushing content out to many people via websites and e-mail newsletters. The donation process is not interactive or public. You donate and then receive a “Thank You” email. It’s one-way communication. Web 2.0 = Blogs, wikis, and social networking sites Source First off, let’s define Web 2.0. The term “Web 2.0″ was more or less branded by open source and freeware advocate Tim Read more [...]

يمكن مشاهدتها من الفضاء الخارجي: ملياردير يكتب اسمه بحروف عملاقة على جزيرته الخاصة

إن كنت مليارديراً فما الذي يمكن أن تفعله بأموالك؟ قد يفكر البعض في بناء مشروعات ضخمة أو السفر إلى الفضاء أو المساهمة في أحد المشاريع الإنسانية، لكن الشيخ حمد بن حمدان فكرة في شيء مختلف تماماً وهو كتابة اسمه بحجم كبير لدرجة أن بالإمكان مشاهدته من الفضاء الخارجي قام الشيخ حمد Read more [...]

Apple has More Cash Than the US Treasury!

    Uncle Steve has more cash than Uncle Sam!   Well, not really Steve Jobs, but Apple has now more cash than the U.S Treasury. According to Financial Post, Apple currently boasts a huge cash reserve of US$75.876-billion as of June 2011, while the US treasury department revealed on Thursday that it has just US$73.768-billion in reserves.   It surely comes as a shocker for many. Who in their wildest dreams would have guessed the cash reserves of the world’s Read more [...]

How a Desk Job Affects the Body: 3 Basic Things

In today’s high-tech world, there are more and more desk jobs. People are taken out of the production line and planted in front of a computer screen, as we discover even more ways to make machines do the work while we only supervise. Stance What most doctors will tell you is the fact that being crouched on a chair over a desk all day long is one of the most harmful things you can do to your back. Normally, you would have to only keep the seated position for an hour before standing Read more [...]

Unintentional Faces In Objects

You look at them... They look right back at you! (but do they bite?) Today we are going to explore face-like patterns in inanimate objects, and will urge you to get out and take a few pictures of your own: find a weird face in something that's not supposed to have any faces, take a picture and send it to us! Even mundane, everyday objects and often-visited places can reveal a face, if looked at a different angle... (image via) This part of a Soviet Lunar Craft Lander (more info) looks Read more [...]

Cool “Air-Conditioned” jacket from Kuchofuku

By MIWA SUZUKI ‘Air-con clothes’ help to beat the heat. AS jackets go, it looks far from fashionable, but its Japanese maker cannot meet sky-rocketing demand for “air conditioned” coats with built-in fans. Kuchofuku Co Ltd, whose name literally means “air-conditioned clothing”, has seen orders soar amid power shortages in Japan after the devastating March 11 earthquake and tsunami. As parts of the nation sweat out an uncomfortable summer shackled by restrictions on electricity Read more [...]

أحدث صيحات اليابانين في الصيف: ملابس مكيفة بمرواح تعمل 11 ساعة

يواجه اليابانيون تحدياً استثنائياً هذا الصيف لأن لديهم مشكلة في الكهرباء بسبب توقف مفاعل فوكوشيما النووي عن العمل، لذا لا يستطيع اليابانيون استخدام المكيفات بما يلبي احتياجاتهم توفيراً للكهرباء، فهل يستسلمون لحر الصيف؟ لا بالطبع بل قام أحد مُصنعي الملابس بتركيب مراوح داخل Read more [...]

جسر مائي مدهش يمر فوق نهر في ألمانيا

لا يعرف الإنسان أي مستحيل مهما بدا غريباً أو غير منطقي حتى لو كان جسراً مائياً فوق الماء لعبور السفن فما تشاهدونه في الأعلى هو صورة حقيقية لجسر ماجديبورغ المائي في ألمانيا، وهو أحد أغرب جسور العالم لأنه مصمم لعبور السفن فوق نهر ألب في ألمانيا يبلغ طول هذا الممر المائي 918 متر Read more [...]

World’s Smallest DIY USB PC with HDMI Output!

This has to be the world’s smallest DIY USB PC, fully functional with an HDMI output so you can plug in to your LCD monitor/keyboard and be ready to boot it up. This DIY USB PC packs a 700MHz ARM 11 CPU, 128MB of RAM, and OpenGL ES 2.0 graphics, pretty click device. I imagine there will become a day when all desktop PCs will become this size or perhaps the smartphones and PCs will converge soon or later. ( Source via Read more [...]

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