عندما يلتقي القلم وفن التصوير… ابداع بلا حدود
لطاما شاهدنا صوراً فوتوغرافية خلابة من مصورين محترفين أو هواة… فماذا لو استطعنا دمج فن الرسم مع هذا الفن الحديث؟! إليكم النتيجة:
ما تشاهدونه امامكم هو من ابداع الرسام ” Ben Heine“
Tags: drawing, images, paper vs photos, photography, photos, sketch
Comments (4)
Moalla Ilani
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Abo Ǯobayda
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hhhhhhh Interesting and beautiful 🙂
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It’s only an Android application can do the same idea..even there are some photos made by this app.
BTW…this app. is available on this link:
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The creator of these images is the one who helped in developing the app, so still, Ben Heine is the creative brain not only behind these images but also behind the idea of the app! By the way, I have tested the app, it’s actually a plugin that works with Camera 360, but there are only 8 scenes which means that Ben has drawn his images by hand, not using this app!!!
& BTW the app is still VERY limited and can’t even use different images for different positions as Ben has done in his original works.