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Mohd Kashif

Freelance Technology Journalist, Final Year Undergraduate Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics, Krishna Institute of Engineering & Technology email:

Top 10 emerging technologies of 2015

Written by Mohd Kashif on . Posted in Entertainment & News

Technology is perhaps the greatest agent of change in the modern world. While never without risk, technological breakthroughs promise innovative solutions to the most pressing global challenges of our time. From zero-emission cars fueled by hydrogen to computer chips modeled on the human brain, this year’s 10 emerging technologies offer a vivid glimpse of the power of innovation to improve lives, transform industries and safeguard our planet. To compile this list, the World Economic Forum’s Read more [...]


Written by Mohd Kashif on . Posted in Featured, Sources of Energy, Uncategorized

ARE SMART GRIDS REALLY SMART?? Recently there has been a great research going on around the globe in this field. There are biggies involved such as Intel and others. What are they actually researching upon? Well I am no spokesperson of these companies so its hard to mention what exactly they are going to do. But as a technology enthusiast we all can figure out the things on a broader perspective! Lets try to sum up together what features we would like too see in this grid which boasts off Read more [...]

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