Remove printer ink from paper!

Written by Mahmoud Basho on . Posted in Featured, Tips & Tricks


Generally we buy a printer to take printouts, but here is a concept that believes in the reverse process…removing ink from the printed-paper! Akin to the idea of a dermatologist laser-burning blemishes and dark spots from your skin, the Ink Remover Printer proposes to do something similar; zap out the ink using laser technology. This way you can reuse the old memos to print new ones, recycle paper and feel good about it.

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Mahmoud Basho

Administrator and Author Studying  Electrical Power & Control Engineering IEEE@BAU Committee Member Knows: Arabic, English From: Saida,Lebanon +961 70697316

Comments (2)

  • Tom


    I want to ask you quick question about the Remove printer ink from paper-smart machine. Ink removing machine. I want to buy it but the thing is that I can’t to fine it where… Could you adviced me please where I can to buy this product, Ink removing machine (Green and white colour)

    Thank you very much


  • milo


    I want to ask you quick question about the Remove printer ink from paper-smart machine. Ink removing machine. I want to buy it but the thing is that I can’t to fine it where… Could you advice me please where I can to buy this product, Ink removing machine (Green and white color)


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